Monday, September 12, 2005

Family dinner gathering at Lei Garden CHIJMES

On Saturday, we had family dinner gathering at Lei Garden CHIJMES. Thoughtful small uncle planned to celebrate Ah Ma’s birthday since she has never celebrated before. But the older uncles and aunties thought it was inappropriate due to some superstitions which I thought was downright ridiculous. Hence, what was meant to be a birthday gala became a hush hush affair, a simple family get-together.

I love gatherings!!!

I love food too and I love taking photos of them.

The night’s menu:

Barbequed whole suckling pig
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Braised shark’s fin with bamboo fungus and vegetable in brown sauce
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Look at the shark’s fin. It’s in slices. I don’t really like the taste of it. In fact, I prefer those lower grade ones. Actually I just love the taste of shark’s fin dish. You need not put the shark’s fin inside. Just the thick soup, egg, crabmeat will do. I will not include shark’s fin in my wedding dinner menu in future. Poor sharks.

Sautéed live sea garoupa fillet with garden green and deep fried head and tail served with special sauce
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No photos of the deepfried head and tail.

Steamed live prawns with egg white
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Deep-fried boneless duck with taro in home made special [sic]
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Braised sliced abalone with fresh mushroom and seasonal vegetable
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Baked fried rice with minced pork served on lotus leaf
No photos of it.

Special Dumpling (tang1 yuan2)
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Chilled dry apricot with mixed fruit and herbal jelly cube
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"Silverfish" Appetizer which was munched on throughout the whole dinner dish after dish. Posted by Picasa

Even the Jasmine tea is premium grade. Heavenly aroma. Mmmm. Posted by Picasa

The waitress calls it "xiang1 pian4" too!!! I don't know why all my friends laughed at me like I'm some idiot whenever I go to Chinese restaurant and order "xiang1 pian4". Some said they have not heard that word before, some said in other Asian countries, xiang1 pian4 is low grade tea. Hmm….

And that’s the menu. A WhOOping $2385? $2538? $2583? $2853? I forgot the combination but I know my mum is definitely going to “pa4” these numbers along with the other combination for 4D coz small uncle said “Sure strike 1st price.”

The very adorable and well-behaved cousins through my glass. Posted by Picasa

All the grandchildren and Ah Ma. Posted by Picasa

Seems like many people were born during this time of September. Parties which I was unable to attend... a good friend's birthday which I stupidly missed. I've always remember the date as jiu3 yue4 qi1 hao4 because of one of Aaron Kwok's song... But when 7th September arrived, I cleanly forgotten about it. So many friends' birth dates are always at the back of my mind but when the date comes I forget to even sms them... How horrible.


  1. oh my, is above a spam???
    The food makes me drool..
    steady hand w/o flash I believe? :)

  2. darn. i forgot to take a pic of the tang yuan!!

  3. bwilly,
    Yup steady hands w/o flash.

    Haha the tang yuan doesn't look as good as it tastes.

  4. Some Chinese delicacies!


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