Tuesday, September 20, 2005

“Eh, I understand you forever very busy……. But how can you find the time to blog huh?”

The above was quoted from one of my friends.

Everyone who knows me knows how busy I am. I am busy working, making materials, giving tuition, trying to find time to pak tor, trying to squeeze in any possible time to meet up with friends, cleaning up my messy room, churning out 80 over students’ reports, not to mention all the reports I owe my centre leader every twice a week. With all these, how can I even find time to eat, sleep and shit and laze around? So you can see how busy I am to even have to find time for eating, sleeping and shitting?

“How do you blog this much if you are so busy?”

I blog about whatever that comes to my mind… freely and spontaneousely, with no governed topics and fear of going out of point. This means I blog all the time… in my mind of course… whenever I am brushing my teeth, whenever I am bathing, whenever I am walking to the mrt station, whenever I am on the train. So each day I have a few topics to blog about and when I really get my ass in front of the computer, I just choose which ones to write about and regurgitate them. This doesn’t take much time and it fits perfectly into my busy schedule.

Blogging is like a hobby to me. It is a virtual place to unwind, to pour out my thoughts since nobody in my family really wants to listen to all my nonsense. In the past, I have the different groups of friends and buddies to see me through my day and to listen to all my ranting. Right now, I face my colleaues every single day and I don’t really want to bore them with my crap. If I were to keep all my rubbish in my head, I would just go mad coz even kh doesn’t wanna listen to all my complaints. I will suffer from constipation eventually and hence I write them out to feel better. I spare those around me and I don’t have to unleash all my thoughts on somebody who may not even be listening.

Blogging is therapeutic. I don’t have time to pursue much hobby except reading, please at least let me blog can.

See I only took less than ten minutes to write this post.


  1. Hi Jo,
    Well said, blogging is indeed therapeutic.

    A virtual haven where we are able to preserve our thoughts and feelings.

    Hmm, i can't seem to find the right words to express myself. Maybe my brain is hibernating... =X

    PS: You ought to rest up a little too, do take care! ^_^

  2. Scatologically speaking,

    It's like you shit out and feel betta... Shit.. why am I so uncouth?

  3. Agree with rune... Well said! *clap clap* in a very "shitty" way of writing.

    Scatologically? Wow... I have to check dictionary then I know what you are talking about.

  4. Wah I think u have many different looks. I can't reali see which is the real u. You look quite different in all the photos. But not bad la, still pretty.

  5. Hi jo,

    U familiar with the doc's blog? He wrote a post something like that too. About he being busy but still manage to blog. Somehow I think both of u sound the same.

    His blog: http://sgdr.blogspot.com/

  6. pinktulip,

    I read his blog quite some time ago but the last time I went in, it R.I.P liao. Quite a pity coz I think he or they write well...


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