Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Teachers’ Day Celebration at Carlton

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Mum's birthday cake. Posted by Picasa


  1. You seem to have shrunk big time!

  2. Hi Jo,
    Hehe, the food looks really good. ^_^

    Hope you pretty much enjoyed yourself that day! ^_^

  3. Yup it was fun... The raw food isn't exactly fresh but overall quite ok. I was telling my sis that the oyster tasted too metallic, the sashimi's texture is abit soft and hence not so fresh, the crab practically is meatless and the dessert is a tad too sweet. And she was like sha3 yan3 look at me and asked, "That means to say nothing is good la?" Haha..


  4. on the other hand keep your long hair! i take back what i say. you look great in your long hair.

  5. what grade do you ladies teach? singaporean teachers are so young and gorgeous. your students must adore you.

  6. Hi tony,
    Erm ok... maybe I'll cut bangs but still leaving my hair long. We are not in government schools and we teach really young children. Haha don't be under the misguided impression that all Singaporean teachers are so young. =)

  7. Thanks Jo, that was very descriptive. Now the food doesn't look all that good to me anymore... Hehe! ^_^

  8. wat's the price like?
    I have fetish for oyster, and attend a oyster seminar tasting. haha..

    Just dropped by marina square the other day during Comex and found out one F&B outlet t sell oyster by piece. Looks good..

  9. I don't know about the price as it's a treat from the company. Heh.. It wasn't that fresh.. But if you have a fetish for oyster, you really should try the oyster shooter at Dan Ryan... (Refer to my bf's birthday post.)


  10. Went to a outlet at Clarke Quay the other day. They have offer for oyster @ $1 each. Ordered twelve.

    Was pressured by the lady to order other stuffs. Makan bill for two pax comes out to about $80. Should have went to some hotel buffet, around that price too. :(


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