Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Hottest Trend!!!

The hottest trend at the moment is not the boho-chic style…

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Neither is it the large bauble beaded chokers which I absolutely adore…

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nor any other beaded and kukui nut necklace…
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Not SUPER-sized sunnies … [Aside] Way COOL!!!
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Nor Super-sized rings
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Or a 24 carat ring to be exact?
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Neither is it the trend to have a prissy dog in tow.

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Just BEAD it! Bohohemian rhapsody, super-sized shades, 24-carat ring and prissy dogs step aside! The latest trend is to get married, have a bump on your tummy, and have kids in tow wherever you go.

It’s like the in thing to be married. Recently one more person I know got married… My cousin sister who is 3 years older than me. They looked really xing4 fu2.
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They had ministers and MPs at their wedding! And there I was clad in jeans.
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Talking about ministers and MPs, even the crown princesses in Europe are about to deliver a little baby boom.

It’s cool to have a bump on your tummy as demonstrated by Britney.
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“My latest fashion accessory? Why of course it’s not these f***ing $4499 boots. It’s this bump which I’m carrying around with pride,” quips Britney as she smiles bimbotically.

The latest fashion style isn’t slinging that whatever LV Monogram Cerises bag.

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Or the Allison Burns handbag in gold.
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In fact, just leave your hands free from bags. The latest must-haves in your hands and on your arms are kids, not some chichi bags. These celebrities really know how to keep up with the latest trend.

Celebrities with kids in tow.

One is good.Posted by Picasa

Two is better
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Not only do celebrities set and follow the trend… Many Singaporeans too. I found out not too long ago that some my students’ parents are only like few years older than me and some with more than 1 kid. One of them is younger than me by a year with a 3-year old son who is smart and adorable. Oh and I haven’t mentioned that one of my cousins (the sister of the bride above) is a hot mama of three at the age of 28!

This is one trend which the Singapore Garmen (otherwise known as zeng1 hu4 by those ah peks sipping kopi downstairs) would encourage all Singaporeans to follow. With the escalating number of people marrying at such a young age, I’m sure our birth rates would soar. This would be the best birthday gift for the nation. Oh by the way, HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!

While I find it irresistible to be a hot, young and fashionable mama. I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with this trend. Not at this present moment. Give me my beaded necklaces for now.


  1. Hi.. I click on the next blog button and I got here. This reads like a gossip magazine. Very entertaining. Thumbs up for the effort put into the pix.

  2. Yay! Your funny, gossip magazine style entries are back again. Always like it when you do such stuff. Of cos, reading about your life is fun too. But love all the photos of the boho styles.

  3. Hi starz,

    I'm online too. Just got an email reminder that someone left a comment. Haha... this weekend considered quite free as compered to usual so I went to "source for" beautiful pictures for this bo liao entry.

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  5. Just drop in to say hello..
    Hope things are great with u.

  6. This is funny! Hahaha...

  7. Hi Jo,
    Hmm, are you being affected by the mariage bug too? Hehe!

    Just dropping by to say Hi! Take care! ^_^

  8. Are super sized boobs in too? If they are, you are surely in the IN crowd.

  9. Hi bwilly, lil gal and rune/orion! Thanx for dropping in... Haven't got the time to come online. Take care!


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