Sunday, August 28, 2005

After-work retail therapy, Blogs and Guys

I’m happy because I felt energetic enough to go shopping after work today and got myself a pair of vintage-looking, brown puma shoes! Puma shoes leh! Lv and hs thought they were very nice too. And the best thing is they were on discount and so I got them $40 cheaper than usual.

 Posted by Picasa

Looks pretty cracked and in my opinion, vintage.  Posted by Picasa

I also bought 3 tops from FOX for a steal at an average of $9 per top. Original price was $23 each but they were having some major 50% off and a further 20% off for the 3rd item. Woohoo!!! Now I have more tops! Yay!!! Just that I have to “sacrifice” one of them for my 2nd sis. I shall act as this angelic mei mei, present her this nice top and slowly bribe her into not wearing my clothes anymore. She practically wears all my clothes every single day.

I decided to visit my friends’ blogs more often… to update myself on their lives. So here I am on a Saturday night reading blogs. Was overjoyed when I saw the revival of one of my good pal’s blog. I read her blog quite frequently and was just bemoaning the demise of her blog not too long ago. But now, it’s up and running again. Yay! And then I read about another blog suicide from another friend’s site. SIGH… So it’s a +1 –1 affair. Although he seldom updates, he is one hell of a funny guy who is only funny when on the internet. Said a dog to another dog, “on the internet, nobody knows you are a dog.

Oops... not trying to say that the above-mentioned friend is the parallel of a dog. Just that he says things on the internet that he wouldn't say real life and he's funny.

My 2nd sis just walked in and demanded for me to switch the modem off and on so she could log onto internet on her computer. And there she goes strutting away in MY top.

On friends’ blogs…

I try as much as possible to read them, be in touch with them (and at least skim through all the entries with my newly found speed reading talent) but there are just some blogs which I cannot bring myself to read after a tired day.

1) Ang Mo (English) too powerful (I’m a bimbo la… like to read simple or frivolous stuff. When I’m in the mood for intellectual stuff, I would definitely be back for them. =))
2) Small fonts (Excuse my small pak4 jiao4 eyes please)
3) Elaborate layouts and backgrounds. (Forgive my already saturated and tired brain)

On guys…
Angel Devil
Faithful Unfaithful
Friend Fiend
Nice Guy Great Actor
Jerk Jerk Jerk

It’s either you have changed to somebody that nobody knows at all or you have been a great actor all along. You could win an award for the role that you play.

If someone does all these to me, I would be at a loss of what to do. But if someone does all these to my friend, don’t ever let me see you again for I don’t know what I would do.


  1. ey haha wo shi bu shi ni de good pal? *blushes*

    if not, HERH!!!!


  2. jo,

    are you using a conventional modem or a broadband? If broadband, use a router and you can share internet access with your sister.
    I am running two pc and a laptop in my house with internet access.
    I can even run my PDA with internet access too. :)

  3. auuk,
    Too bad... not u... haha... yours was on hiatus but you didn't close it down. But read yours every now and then too... Thought you would have closed it down coz of your job's nature.

    Broadband wireless but her comp has some problem at times and could only kick off by switching off and on the modem.

  4. hey girl, just thought i'd drop by say HI. HOW ARE YOU. (:

  5. her switching off the modem should not affect your being online leh..


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