Thursday, May 12, 2005

Unhurried lunches, coincidental meeting and a 23-year-old boy

Ooh…. Please endure with me coz it’ll be photo-blogging again…

Yesterday, we had a ball of a time.

As usual, it was busy at work. But colleagues decided that we should really make up for all the many less than half an hour lunches we had and went to pamper ourselves with a longer (Lv please close one eye hor… or both eyes also can.. heh) and more expensive (read: non-hawker, non-coffeeshop, non-foodcourt) lunch. We were all quite hungry for affordable Japanese food and so flocked down to Fiesta for their set meal promotion.

Food... Glorious food!!! Posted by Hello

Us & Food... Look at all of them smiling so unwillingly, mentally cursing me for insisting on taking a picture of us with the food when we are all dying of famine. Posted by Hello

Now for photos of my 3 wonderful colleagues-frenz… We took silly pictures on a few occasions, but there would definitely be the co.’s name or logo somewhere in the background so I wasn’t able to post them up. This time MUST post….

Em & HS Posted by Hello

Em & Me Posted by Hello

Em & Wy Posted by Hello

Machiam Em’s the star who everybody wanna take photo with.

Now, us us us…

Wy & Hs Posted by Hello

Wy & Me Posted by Hello

Me & Hs Posted by Hello

Did I get all of us? It’s a rule that everybody must pose with everybody.

And finally the 4 of us. Posted by Hello

It has been so difficult (difficult coz of me… sorry gal, I’m always so busy…) arranging a meet up with one of my good pals, Charlene that we were quite pleasantly surprised to bump into each other during lunch. I think we have not seen each other for almost 1 year. It was such a coincidence that I thought I must whip up my cam to take a picture of us.  Posted by Hello

Then for dinner, a bunch of JC mates decided to meet up at Menotti's to celebrate Teoks Birthday. So now he is a 23-year-old boy… Ahem man. That man was actually an hour late for his own birthday and “blamed” it on Tam but Tam had a balloon to make up for it.

Teoks the birthday boy with the funny balloon that threatened to shoot itself up the ceiling any minute.
 Posted by Hello

Our dinner took ages to arrive so besides catching up with each other, what have we left to do but to shoot.

Party of 8. Posted by Hello

My Italian dinner tasted like bak chor mee. I did not take any photo of it coz yeah… it doesn’t look very appetizing but I was hungry and gobbled it up anyway.

So with not very appetizing dinner, we decided to shoot again while waiting for our very appetizing dessert to arrive. Alas, no photos of the dessert. The one which I shared with cousin Pauline was too coffee-ish. I think the rest of them had mouth-watering desserts. Anyway that place is well known for their desserts.

If I'm not wrong, this is the 1st time cuz decided to show her face for any JC gathering. Ta1 ke3 zhen1 shang3 lian3. Posted by Hello

6 of us. Posted by Hello

Tam, Wq, me. I love the background.  Posted by Hello

The ladies... Posted by Hello

And the boys... men men men... I made the same mistake. Posted by Hello

And then the cake (ice-cream) came… and teoks was forced to make a wish.

Birthday wish: To be surrounded by gals Posted by Hello

He got his wish and was so smug about it.
 Posted by Hello

Wishes do come true… except that some a**h*** had to be in the picture to spoil it. (Disclaimer: WQ is not an a**h***.)
 Posted by Hello

Cake attack!!! Posted by Hello

The attack got more vigorous.  Posted by Hello

Once again, the narcissist in me got a kick outta taking photo with everybody…

Tam & me Posted by Hello

Me & Teoks Posted by Hello

Future bitchy lawyer and me.
Future as in lawyer. Present tense for bitchy. Haha... After not seeing her for 3 years, I seriously think she changed alot. I can really see the bitchy lawyer in her who would bring people from fame to shame. And after not seeing for 3 years, the first thing she said to me was “I saw you in the condo ad!” Huh?! What condo ad? Huh?How come I dunno? How much was I paid? Huh?! Lawyers ah… they can just say anything for what they say will become the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
You go gal!!!
 Posted by Hello

Another future lawyer & me. Posted by Hello

Me & Reg Posted by Hello

The waiter who took this picture exclaimed, "Wooh! This is like watching a Hong Kong Movie."
 Posted by Hello

J. and T. agreed that it looked like some advertisement for a new HK drama serial and started getting busy drafting out the convoluted plot. “So the 2 at the top left are the lead actor and actress who have a very hard time in the show… The dad and mum seated in the middle have a very weird relationship… they dislike each other… and the 2 gals flanked at both sides are their daughters… they may be evil, they may be good… dunno yet… rough plot mah… then the one on the top right is the bitchy mistress who tries to wreck the whole family. “And I’m the little servant girl!” exclaimed Tammy.

Ok that wasn’t exactly what they said but that was what I could remember. Bravo for on the spot creativity.

And so you see, we had a ball of a time.

[Read more of the day's happening at J. and T..]


  1. Haha time lag liao... can't find the time and energy to do so. I'll see how... Ü

  2. Hi.. Im a passerby. Was juz clickin on the "next blog" button when I saw ur fotos being uploaded n at last the post is up.

    U r veri farnee... I like the way u write.

    Can I ask u some ques? Is your hair rebonded? I think I rmbr reading that it wasn't. I lurve the way it flows down. How do u style your hair? Do u apply any hair products to keep ur hairstyle this way? Hope I dont sound bimbotic but I really want to know. 10x in advance.

  3. Hi madabouthair,
    I'm online now... Heh... thanx for your compliments. Nope, it isn't rebonded. Actually my hair is quite unruly and I hate it when it "qiao4". Are you Chinese btw? What I do is I blow dry my hair most of the time (since I'm always home late and bathe quite late) and I'll try to blow it straight. I use a hair serum called "Silken". Hope this helps. ;)

  4. I'll send them to you via MSN. But there are soooooo many... You gotta tell me which ones you want ya?

  5. nice pics, and u look great!! keep them coming :)

  6. can't the birthday celebrations hold till i get back... *grumble*

  7. Oh Caleb reads ur blog! Hi Kahlib! =)
    Anyway...i WANT the photos! n e laz part abt wat T said of the pic...i tot dat was hilarious. =)

  8. well actually, i'm sure i did not say it with such gusto or enthusiasm. the whole servant girl thing came about because i didn't have a role. ha. ha. when's caleb coming back!

  9. What shampoo and conditioner do u use? 10x!

  10. Caleb!!!
    I'm as surprised as wq and t. I never knew you read my blog you dao kia. Yeah by the time we postpone all the celebrations, it would be teoks 24-year-old-party. And you would have owed us lotsa presents. =P

    WQ ah...
    I've to send via MSN coz my room comp diedED and I dunno why I can't log into gmail on this comp (my da jie's comp) and too many and too large to send by other mails. You gimme a good solution can? Then I can send to the rest of them too. *smiles sweetly*

    t (aka servant girl)
    I dunno when Caleb's coming back leh... u ask sir lor.. or madam.

    *Flips my Ginvera-white-tea-spa and occasionally Clairol-herbal-essence pampered hair* and waves bimbotically. Haha you really mad about hair eh.. Actually my hair is really not as nice as what you think it is la. It's like quite dry and qiao on most days.

  11. wah se. cousin. so many pics sia?!

  12. nadine,
    U online? Haha alot ah? Those aren't all. K I'm logging off coz ur cousin (my stoopid da jie) is bugging me to go off.

  13. have not the time to check your blog, but here now.
    pretty nice photos..
    wat digi cam are you using now?

    some shots seem warm n natural, one or two pic with the flash I working blinking will render the subject pretty white n harsh in appearance, try using tissue or someting to cover the flash. Some called it the diffusion method.

    While doing my fren wedding, i used a paper with masking tape over the flash.

    Some shots without flash, slight movement will render the subject blur. Try the tissue or paper method, you can use flash anytime, but check your limits (effective distance) of your flash 1st.

  14. of course i read your blog.. faithful reader. ok when i get back let's all exchange presents. i demand my share too k jo? will be back 14th june. soon soon...

  15. nice photos! u look great jo! all ur friends look great too! u all look like u all had a ball of a time. at last ur happier and funni posts are back. hope u managed to solve those problems which have been bugging u.

    stay cheerful and chio. ^_^

  16. hey gal!! i am in japan now.. internet cafe allows only 1hr break.. heehee.. yeah!! saw my photos.. hahaha... take care lots!

  17. Our milkshake brings the boys to the yard...... *shakes to the music*

    Hi Jolene,

    That's a greeting song for you.

    We can go fight it out at the yard.

    See you!

    Yours sincerely,

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. bwilly,
    Still the same cam. I like those warm ones w/o the flash but some appeared too dark. I've gotta brighten them using some lousy image editor program since I've got no photoshop.

    And yes I agree that the flash is too harsh but I wouldn't wanna take a picture with a tissue covering the flash and end up looking quite erm... ridiculous.. haha.. and imagine asking people to take a photo for me with the tissue hanging there. Nobody would wanna take a picture for me! =P

    Onz ah... imprinted on my blog in black and white liao. Everyody listen up... we shall all demand presents from Caleb when he gets back. Don't worry, we'll give you a good Children's Day present.

    Yupz we did have a ball of a time. Thanx! Ü

    Enjoy yourself in Japan!!! If on the way, juz help me check how much is Lumix FX 7 selling for k? And it has gotta be pink. =P

    As in Xie? ;P

  20. Panasonic has a few range of compact shoot cam, all with mega stabliser.

    You can find the range here.

    For pricing, email Mscolor - and request for an equote. They quote quite reasonable and very competitive. They have two branches, yishun and AMK.

    yes for the tissue method does look odd. Try a small post (cut into smaller pc to fit the flash)it note for a change. Put in wallet, take it out to diffuse the flash.

  21. The prices are really good.. the FX 7 is only slightly more ex than my current cam... Unbelievable! Supposed to differ by $100+. Where is the Yishun branch?

  22. Did you get the e-quote from Ms color? You need to bring it as a
    proof of evidence on the pricing.

    You can go down, ask Ms color the price, if its differ, show them e-quote. Interm of course ask for some freebies and special bundle pricing (eg. lowered priced SD Card, camera case, mini tripod)

    Here's the addy.

    Branches - Yishun (Beside Chong Pang CC)
    Blk 102 #01-129
    Yishun Ave 5,
    Singapore 760102
    Tel:(65) 6758 0538
    Fax: (65) 6758 5778

  23. hey still say the bikini photo is deceiving....looks like u r the one in denial girl. you are huge!! no wonder even fiona wanna fight it out wif ya! hahaha!! guess wat? tink u will win!! haha! - xtina

  24. Mai xiao la u... got up and down periods one... Haha

  25. WoOOooo.... what bikini pics? I searched your blog but cant find leh.

  26. No bikini pics. She must have uploaded them somewhere else. She can fight with fiona xie leh. Go and search la. Find liao post it up.


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