Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My Godson

Yesterday I went to visit dear friend Cynthia and my godson, Jase. It has been almost a year since I last saw him. Such a lousy godma right?

This godma keeps pushing back meet ups with her dear friend for many Tuesdays (I lost count) because she can never finish her materials on time to meet up.

This godma was somewhat upset when she found out she wasn’t the only godma.

But this godma has no reason to complain as she was so busy with work that she even missed his 1st month birthday and realized it only like a few days later. Bad bad bad!!!

This godma cannot afford to lavish her godson with gifts like what most godmas would do.

This godma has never done her part as a godma at all.

This godma has been so busy with work and so occupied every weekend that she even neglects other important people in her life. But that is another story which may or may not be told some other day. Or maybe that is pure assumption on her part.

So back to this story…

This godma feels that she has been so irresponsible and heartless. But at last, she managed to take some time off her busy schedule and dropped by to visit her dear godson yesterday… with the intention of “disowning” him.

But after she saw him, she changed her mind totally.

He looked too cute and innocent that she decided not to “disown” him.

Albeit having a ku3 gua1 lian3, he is really very adorable. You should see him in action. I took a cute video of him greedily eating a piece of mango. But I don’t know how to post it up here so let’s look at photos for now…

Jase Jase drinking milk Posted by Hello

Jase Jase ruffling daddy's hair Posted by Hello

Jase Jase and Godma Posted by Hello

Jase Jase and Cynthia Mummy Posted by Hello

Both "mummies" love Jase Jase Posted by Hello

Us again Posted by Hello

Godma and Jase Jase. Posted by Hello

See... a post dedicated to your Jase Jase, ain't I a good godma? *Heh* I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Cynthia Mummy for her listening ear, for her married individual p.o.v of certain issues, for her kind understanding and support. I truly enjoyed my short visit yesterday and it puts all the warmth and fuzzy feeling back in me... something which has been empty in my heart for days.

I will try my best to visit you and Jase Jase more often... I promise.


  1. I see that your godson is really cute..glad that you got the warmth and fuzzy feeling back in you. Stay happy always..

  2. yeah! godma, so glad that you still want me!!!

  3. ur godson is really cute! it's gd that u decided not to disown him. u must plan some time aside 4 urself. i tink i can guess what's making u sad these few days. did ur lack of time for people around u lead to something major? pls try to do something abt it as it's reali not worth losing imp things in ur life.

  4. Hi anon,

    Yup.. he is indeed cute! Thanx alot! BTW.. are you my fren? Ü

    Jase Jase!!!
    *hugz hugz*
    You haven't even learn how to call "godma" verbally you know how to write.. aren't you a clever baby?

    Hi again paperleaf,
    Hmm.... Do I know you? Or do you know me? Are you a random reader? Are you my fren? You seem to know alot of things... somehow your nick has left a certain impression on me.

  5. im not anyone u noe... i apologize if i sounded like i noe u and im sorry i did nt mean to intrude. im just hooked onto ur blog as u r 1 funni gal who write really well and i can empatise alot wif u on certain post. ^_^

  6. Erm.... Ok.... Juz that I thought maybe you are my fren...

  7. I just realised that was 10 days before the fateful day.

    Anyway, I just re-read the blog again and it brought tears to my eyes! :S

    Time flies...

  8. I'm sorry about the whole thing. I feel so sad too. It's been 3 years. Time really flies.


    -10th December 2008-


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