Monday, April 11, 2005

Can’t shake that pretty PINK Panasonic Lumix FX7 outta my mind

I’m seriously considering selling away my current Fujifilm F450.

Not because I have an aversion to Joanne Peh or because it is bad, but simply because I cant get the pink FX7 outta my mind.

Just look at how chio it is. Both cam and Ayumi of course.

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They have red ones in Japan which is also quite chio
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It has been my dream digital camera ever since it surfaced in Japan... chio colours, big screen and all... that was until I saw its price… $900++!!!

The price was too steep. At that time, I was more sensible than I was now and decided not to “invest” so much in a camera.

Moreover, I think God has also decided that I should not get my pink FX7 as the pink ones were all sold out during the SITEX exhibition. It was a gentle warning not to spend so much on irrational wants. Thus leaving me with 2 more choices… Canon Ixus 30/ 40 and Fujifilm F450.

Fujifilm F450 I chose. If you have read my entry last November, you would know that it looks better, has more functions, additional goodies were thrown in on top of the usual ones, and most importantly the manager won me over with sincerity… unlike the stinking canon people.

So anyone wanna buy my cam? It looks like this.
 Posted by Hello

You should get it if you are an absolute diehard fan of Joanne Peh.

And now, I'm gonna beautify my blog with more chio pictures of Lumix FX7
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 Posted by Hello


  1. lumix is chio...but i still think my exilim is chioer :D


  2. Nadine... The blue one real life not tt nice... same goes for the black one.. all of them look very chio in tt pic... It's deceiving!! It's the art of advertising!! It's juz so not true!! Only the pink one is chio!!! Yes.. and i mean in real life as well.. =)

    Teoks... u got a casio for urself? Great! Now the next time we go out.. we dunno whose camera to use.. every1 except wq has 1 now..

  3. not sure if you have got it.
    I am using a Panasonic FZ20, the FX7 is good, I recommended it to my lady friends who are keen to get a digi cam.

    Mighty feature is the OIS (optical image stabliser)

  4. You can try Alan Photo at Sim Lim Square or less rowdy is Ms colour at Ang Mo Kio.
    These shops sell camera at least 20% lesser than retail price.

  5. Hi bwilly,

    Didn't realise u left comments here too.. the reminder got filtered to my junkmail!

    Do you know alotabt digi cam?

    Anyway... no i haven't gotten the chio cam... Is it really really very good? Coz i have half the mind.. no.. one whole mind to get it.. but i'm wondering if i shld sell my current one 1st then get this.. or get this 1st den sell..

    Actually one con for fx7 would be the absence of the viewfinder.. i tot a viewfinder was ery important while making my decision at tt time... but heck.. if the screen is good.. u dun need a viewfinder even in dark places rite?

  6. I not really expert, but been playing with digi photos and video for sometime..
    interest on computers that it range to digital medias.

    Refering to your qns.

    I am using the Panasonic FZ20, near to SLR (single lens reflex) camera.
    Of course I will recommend this FX7 for ladies who want features but not the bulkiness.
    The camera has optical 3x, plus OIS - anti-shake. No to my knowledge, much compact
    camera has this feature.

    This anti-shake very important for camera user who "do not" like to use the viewfinder.
    I thought the huge LCD screen will goes well with ladies? Viewfinder will be useful in dark
    places, but LCD will look dark definitely. You may have some problem getting the framing right
    in the dark. Best to do a test on it when at the shop. But you can't take much night shots at extremely
    low light, shot either comes out blur or the flash too harsh.

    as for selling your camera, you can do a online posting. for buying cam, you need more info, can check with me.

  7. Alan photo , for "best" service, look for Steven.
    Preferably ask your bf/bro/dad to go along, more "complicated store.

    1 Rochor Canal Road
    #01-38 Sim Lim Square
    Singapore 188504
    Tel: +65 6 336 0922

    Alternatively, you can check with mscolor for an e-quote, which is nearer to your location.

    service tip top.

    I usually frequent Alan photo since its "near" my office.


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