Monday, March 14, 2005

Spoofy Goofy Tissue Paper Covers

My dad bought some tissue paper some time ago seeing how cute and cartoony they were, thinking that my sisters and I would love it.

Boy! We love it! We were so amused that we opened all the packets just to relish in the corniness.

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Fudak Tissue Paper manufacturer ought to receive an award for creativity. So the next time behind every packet of tissue, they could proudly claim:

Fudak - created to give you the soft touch yet maintaining its strength and absorbency. Ideal for make-up, dabbing of perspiration, colds and providing split seconds of entertainment.


  1. I can see the right brain thing is working on you. Or issit the left brain. Confused.

    Well do you conduct courses that teaches you direction sense?

    -guess who-

  2. I can't guess who you are.......

  3. I saw you in taka today..I think that's you.. shopping alone like what you always do on your free days.

    Just a note, I'm not your fren. But I'm very hook onto your blog. (hope you dun mind).. =D

  4. And the tissue paper covers are really corny.. but it's funny la.

  5. Gee... when did you see me and which part of taka? Are you a guy or a gal? =)

  6. Interesting article. was lmao when i saw this. zzz haven't been on blogspot for a while. U've even changed your avatar. Nice pic btw. Cya soon.


  7. Those tissue papers are great! where did your dad get them from??

  8. Those tissue papers are great! where did your dad get them from??

  9. Hi Bryan,

    Long time no hear… how have you been? BTW what’s “Imao”? Yup.. changed my avatar few days ago but now hairstyle slightly different from tt pic liao.

    Hi Anonymous,

    My dad bought them from a shop at Woodlands. Very good spoofs right? My 2 sisters and me can’t help convulsing in laughter at each cover.

    BTW rre you the same anonymous as the above? The one who saw me at Taka? If so, can you reply me? =)

    And I still dunno who is the 1st anonymous… I think you are my fren… can you all leave some initials or nickname? Thanx!!!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)