Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Me making materials and day dreaming last night. Posted by Hello


  1. hmm after few months of working ur art improves soo much ah? even turned to drawing?!

    take care of ur bruise :P


  2. Hey gal,

    Nice to hear from you again! Hmm.. I've always been drawing random stuff in sec sc and jc then I stopped coz I got too bz. Haven't been drawing (not counting those I drew for work) and felt the urge to draw all over again. So I picked up my pencil and started and I felt really really happy to have refound a hobby which has stopped for a long time. And the thing is, I don't need to dedicate much time to this hobby.

    Signing off,
    elated jo

  3. Now... u can even draw.. I'm very impressed. Are u going 2 post up your NZ photos on here?



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