Saturday, January 08, 2005

As if the gathering just now wasn't sufficient, we had to continue our conversation on MSN

There was this primary class gathering just now. It has been exactly a year since the last one... 7th January 2004... wouldn't have known this if Jianfang hadn't highlighted it. It's pretty scary how time whizzes past just like that...

The turn out was more disappointing than the last one but it was a fun night nonetheless. The atmosphere and table arrangement at Marches wasn’t very conducive for chatting so we ended up at the same coffee shop in Yishun a year ago, yakking away like old uncles and aunties reminiscing about the past.

Everyone had mega memories. Remembering the full names of all 45 of us with accordance to our register numbers and our seating arrangement back in Primary 6 was indeed a tremendous feat. Kudos to Jamie!

Can't imagine how we remember so many silly things we did back then. We are so much fun then and now.

And of course, an entry of a gathering warrants the need for photos so here goes.

The pretty flowers…  Posted by Hello

And the grass…  Posted by Hello

All of us! Posted by Hello

Guiting & me. After 12 years of friendship, I finally see her sporting a spunky hairstyle and I luv it!  Posted by Hello

Chris, Guiting & me. Posted by Hello

Me & Yingsi, my favourite teacher's daughter. I just had to take a photo with her! Posted by Hello

Yizhen & me. We used to go home together everyday in Pri 5 and 6.  Posted by Hello

Ok now let’s turn the clock back to 7 January 2004.

We had the first ever MEGA class gathering with much effort by Jamie. I do keep up with different groups of primary school mates every now and then, but that day, I saw so many people I’ve not seen for ten years. The turn out was good with 20 plus of us and with the few who joined us later, think the attendance was close to 30.

The gals.  Posted by Hello

The guyz Posted by Hello

All of us Posted by Hello

I think what’s really cool is that everyone is friends with everyone. Conflicts back in primary school vanished. Enemies became friends. Classmates became friends. Good friends back in primary school became good friends again for that few minutes in your life. There wasn’t a moment of awkward silence.

Gatherings are such fun!

Signing off nostalgically,

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