Tuesday, December 07, 2004

For the whole of yesterday, I led a pig’s life.

I had a bad cold, a leaking nose and was burning at 38.3 °C. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a fever that high. My whole body ached and I wasn’t able to support myself at all. Each time I wasn’t lying in bed, I would be slumped on the sofa staring into space. So I slept the whole of Monday away. Woke up at 2pm to slump on the sofa while waiting for lunch to be served, ate and went back to sleep. Woke up at 7pm to eat, slump on the sofa and watch TV. Then I went back to sleep at 8+pm all the way till this morning. In total, I slept for like 30 hours.

Boring day.

Nothing much happened lately. Just feeling disgruntled at times. My busy-ness has dissipated all my energy. I feel like an empty shell, devoid of spirit and soul.


  1. yo.. sorry i just now playing game so didn't see your msg. No problem can use Bryan. Since u sick why not try this online muktiplayer game. Maplestory @www.maplestory.com. I've been glued to it since last week.

  2. hello jo.. long time no see your blog..
    i hope you feel better soon!

    old mummy
    (so long ago lah)

  3. Hey Bryan,
    Haiyo… What game is that? Don;t get hooked too much.

    Hey Mummy,
    Yoz… long time no read yours too. I’ve been too busy to update that frequently for my own too. Heh… Yes… You WERE my mummy!! Haha.. You never take care of me, that is why I’m sick. Haha.. Feeling much better but had blocked nose the past few days. It’s already so difficult to breathe, let alone teach. SIGH…


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