Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Shopping Solo

After working my ass off, I went for a retail therapy. It felt heavenly.

Within a span of 4 days, I bought 4 brightly coloured tops (pink tank, yellow tank, white short sleeves top and an orange T shirt), 1 tube dress, 2 jeans, 1 capri, 1 belt, 1 watch for $175.20. I think that’s quite a lot of stuff for that amount of money. At that time, I haven’t gotten my salary but I couldn’t care much for I was in dire need of new clothes.

Shopping alone is good.

I get to buy things I really like, rather than what my friends like.

I can shop slowly and try on as many clothes as possible without worrying about holding anybody up.

Shopping alone is cool.

Sales assistants are more friendly and approachable when you are alone. They attend to you like you are some rich kid. However, most of the times, I prefer them to leave me alone.

Shopping alone is cool.

I tend to feel good in clothes which I bought while shopping alone. With friends, they restrict your buying when they feel something doesn’t look right on you. Without them, you try, you like, you buy and you carry it off quite well that people often compliment on your dressing style and enquire where you get those clothes and apparels from.

You can walk into the library or go book shopping without getting teased by friends for being nerdy.

Shopping alone is cool.

You have higher probability of being approached by people on the street to befriend you.

That isn’t exactly cool, but it’s thrilling to know that you are cool enough to be approached. Or maybe it isn't cool at all. These people must have assumed that you are a pathetic friendless soul.

You can walk along the street in your own little bubble, with random thoughts racing through your mind but never worrying about finding a conversation topic when with a friend.

You tend to observe and listen more to your surroundings. It’s only November but Christmas carols could be heard in every mall. I love Christmas songs. They are one of the finest balm to the ears.

Shopping alone is good.


Before the above few paragraphs predispose people into thinking I’m a solitary animal, I must stress that I’m not.

Having no tuition this week, I finally had some time to meet up with people I’ve not seen for quite some time. I met up with Florence only for a brief moment in the afternoon but that felt good. Later at night, I met up with my primary school buddies Zhu and Geraldine for dinner. Then another primary school friend joined us for prata supper and I can hardly recall when was the last time I laughed so heartily till my jaws ache. I mean I laugh everyday at work with all my crazy colleagues and babies who do the most amazing and funny actions, but my jaws and facial muscles haven’t ached for such a long time.

This week is really relaxing for me as there are 2 public holidays… meaning I have 2 more free days. I better make good use of these 2 days.

Those of you who are working, do enjoy your extra days of break. Those of you who are studying, all the best for your upcoming exams. I bet you weren’t even aware of the public hols as during study break, these public hols do not make much difference, everyday seems the same.

In the meantime, do take care everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You shop like any gal yet u don behave like a bimbo. You read too. You are really a pretty gal with brains. I'm impressed.



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