Tuesday, September 21, 2004

This is beginning to sound alot like a diary

From now on, Tuesday would be my favourite day of the week. I changed my night tuition to morning such that I have the whole day for myself and for whoever who wants to meet up after that. “I need some time for myself and my friends. If not like very no life la.” C’s mother was laughing when I told her the reason for changing the time. “Yes you better change it or I would think you have no life too,” she joked.

Yoohoo!!! So whoever wants to meet up with me can do so on Tuesday. Any takers? No?

I’m feeling very energized today. After returning from tuition, I slipped on my exercise top, turned on some hip hop and dance tracks and started doing 2 sets of 50 sit ups. Then I did some leg lifting till my buns hurt. Lifted some weights till my arms hurt and grooved to the music. Quite little la, but it felt really good because I’ve not worked out in ages. I panted last time when I brisk walked my way from the bus stop to the LTs and classrooms back then in NUS as I was late for every single lesson. I panted a few days ago when I ran from Toa Payoh MRT station all the way to my workplace, the HDB hub, which in case you don’t know, is just a stone’s throw away. Yes, I’m that weak and lousy. Blame it on the NIKE shoes which gave way on me a year ago!

I’ve decided to start off every Tuesday the same way. If I manage to adjust my biological clock such that I do not sleep at 2, 3am every morning, I would wake up early to go for a run. Save for my cranky right knee problem, I really love running and realized how much I missed it when my last sports shoes had their soles flying off my feet. I’ve since been too lazy to go through the hassle of investing in a good pair of sports shoes which eventually became a great excuse not to run when my love for running died away.

I still do not have sports shoes. And my 2nd sis left hers in her office. So this activity has to be struck off from the Tuesday to-do list. I shall just include those sit ups and stuff as my weekly work out activities. And I hope laziness does not catch up on me halfway or I would have to strike this off my list as well.

Next I would do all the online stuff like checking mails, settling some sales from auction and FP, and do some blog reading and writing. I feel more in tune with people when I read or glance through their blogs. And I feel more in tune with myself when I pen my thoughts down or rather, keyboard my thoughts out. And I’m truly happy when I read all your sms-es and emails the past few days. A handful of you, most of whom love kids, were so supportive of my job. THANK YOU!!!!! And to all of you who miss me… I MISS YOU PEOPLE TOO! Aww… this is so not like me to say such things in public. I guess I’m infected by the kids in school.

I was greeted with shock when I tried to access one of the blogs I read every now and then. Where on earth is POPAGANDHI??? I’ve not even read her latest entries yet! In case you are wondering, she is one excellent writer. I feel so ashamed, as even though she is younger than me, she is a lot more well-read than I am and she churns out pretty good stuff at times. I use the words “at times” not because sometimes she doesn’t write good stuff, but rather, I could not understand some of her entries. For those that I understood, I enjoyed them. She is that good. Better than the most famous Singaporean blogger. Ahem… Okay, I don’t wish to compare cause they have different styles. And I would occasionally read the latter’s blog for the simpler English and for the laughs.

I love my weekends. Monday and Tuesday… days when everybody else will be rushing off for work and crowd the whole Singapore. And I love to go shopping on a weekday where everywhere would be so peaceful. I really hate crowds. But for the past two weekends, I’ve not got the chance to go out alone. Will try to do so next week. Gosh! I’ve really developed this penchant for shopping alone.

This week is the kids' 1-week term break. It is also the week when two other new teachers and me will be undergoing intensive training and preparation for our new class the week after. Can’t believe we are going to teach so soon. The demo class would be this Saturday where we would be accessed. We are supposed to pretend to teach while other teachers pretend to be difficult students. Sounds really scary. And while we undergo intensive training this week, so many other lucky teachers took leave and some went on short trips. Looking forward to a short trip this December if I’ve save enough. I long for a get away.

Right, I’ve gotta go call Zann to arrange dinner later. (Eh… it’s damn weird to call you by your sophisticated English name on my blog lor!) It has been raining since afternoon and still is. I wonder if we should go ahead with dinner.

Okay, this is beginning to sound a lot like a diary.


  1. My deer, my name is zannE! U lousy...
    Still didn't managed to meet up with you.. guess i have to re-join the queue to find a tues to meet up again... but the next time we arrange to meet, MUZ go SHOPPING somewhere far from yishun.. esp those between yishun to wlds k.... i quite sian of these neighbourhood. That boi only knows to bring me to such places.. bleahz... he better not come across this sentence man...=p (Pardon all my lousy english.)

  2. Yoz!! Ok.. so I've got your name wrong.. see that's coz I'm not used to it. I'll take note and get it right the next time round.

    Aww.. I'm sure he won't see what you've typed. K we'll meet in town the next time round. I'll make sure it doesn't rain. Haiya and your English is ok la. No worries! Ü

  3. Tuesday is also A&W' Coney Dog day! yeeha!

  4. Tuesday is Gelare's half-price waffle day as well!
    At least you know you're exercising for a reason.

  5. I LOVE Coney dog!!! But I only love Coney dog on a Tuesday coz on all other days, it would be to expensive for me to love. You mean A&W’s still around? The last outlet I know of would be the one at AMK but it’s no longer there.

    Now that the both of you mentioned, it never occur to me before this that Tuesday is such an “auspicious” day.


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