Tuesday, September 28, 2004

It’s Another Happy Day

Met up with Christina today. It was an impromptu arrangement. She happened to take leave till today and I happened to be free in the morning so we decided to meet up. And because I’ve not seen her for such a long time, I postponed both tuitions today and had the whole day off.

Oh by the way, we have great telepathy. We called each other at the same time to discuss the meet up, we wore almost the same outfit, we both initiated that we wanted to thread our eyebrows on that day, using those traditional Indian method as before that, none of our friends were willing to go with us, and we nearly resorted to going alone. Such telepathy. No?

Ok back to my story…

We decided to head for LIPS as we wanted a place where the food is not too bad and where we can sit for hours and chat without being chased off by the management. I was pleasantly surprised to find that we were the only patrons there. That was the first time I saw an empty LIPS. Usually, the place would be so packed that we would have to sit outside.

This is such a rare sight that I thought I had to snap a picture of the place.

An empty LIPS café… empty but serene. Posted by Hello

We had some Monday Special lunch set which wasn’t exactly appetizing. But the chocolate cheesecake sure was!

Chocolate cheesecake Posted by Hello

It was great fun meeting up with Chris. Given that we know each other since Primary 2, we were both very forthcoming, incredibly 38 and chatty, and could talk about almost everything under the sun. There was never a single moment of silence. [Read: peace]

We talked about our lives. And the Water Babies! We talked about our jobs. How much I love mine, and how much she hates hers. We bitched about the shallowness of some people. We bitched about childish guys. We bitched about pretty girls with character as flat as erm... flat boobs. And goodness knows what else we bitched about. Of course, we also engaged in some deep philosophy, basically about how ugly people can be when their character is ugly.

And of course we just had to take a picture of ourselves on the red couch.

Us at Lips Posted by Hello

Oh and I digress a little… Those of you who haven’t tried eyebrow threading, do give it a try. I personally like it a lot although I know Chris would violently protest and discourage people from trying. She was “ow-ing” every second that the customer after us was trying very hard to stifle her laughter.

So after we got our eyebrows threaded and felt prettier, we decided to take some wacky photos. Some are too wacky to display on public and I don’t know if Chris would yell at me if I do so.

We were racking our brains deciding on some backdrops for our photos. We were walking around when I suggested walking into Spotlight for some inspirations. Inspirations we had… …

Me behind a fugly moo-moo mask. Got milk? Posted by Hello

And Chris trying to do a SCREAM thing. Posted by Hello

After making ourselves so fugly, we decided to change props and act sweet.

Me acting sweet Posted by Hello

Chris acting sweet Posted by Hello

And then flirty…

Me with a feather boa Posted by Hello

Chris’ turn Posted by Hello

I think we failed to act flirty. I promise we’ll practice more.

This is what you get when two crazy gals get together armed with a digital camera.

When our heads were still full of wacky poses and props, Mummy called to ask if we needed a lift since Daddy was fetching her from work. Having not taken enough proper photos without silly props, I asked Mum to shoot us in the car. And this photo was churned out only after 3 tries. It was too dark, the road was too bumpy and mum’s lao hua yan was settling in.

Parting shot Posted by Hello

Chris took leave and went to KL with her colleagues the days before she met me. I thought this shot of the twin towers look really awesome. Okay la, it’s not symmetrically taken but I feel that the effect is unique. It doesn’t look like something you can capture on digital camera. Reminds me of those glow-in-the-dark puzzles.

Glowing Twin towers Posted by Hello

Chris got me a gift from KL… When she said she had something for me, I thought she would be handing me some tacky Malaysia souvenirs like a keychain of the twin tower or a keychain of some shells and crab cruelly congealed in some clear gem-like plastic.

So I was really taken aback when she presented me with a “cheong” Burberry wallet in pink, as I did not expect it at all. She immediately told me it was the “cheong” kind. I knew it of course, and did not mind at all. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised and extremely touched. You’ve still got my heart gal, even while on a trip.

I won’t be using it for now, as my wallet is still quite new.

I went home and constantly opened the box to admire it. It really exudes sweetness. My family all thought the wallet was really pretty and my da jie had to add that it is too sweet for me!

My unauthentic but pretty Burberry Wallet Posted by Hello

So since I was snapping my wallet, I decided to snap my watch as well. This Swatch watch was given to me by the gang for my 21st birthday last year and I could not bear to wear it till my pirated metal strap Longines died on me.

Swatch Watch Posted by Hello

I’ve only worn it for a few days when scratches started to appear. Was really very heartbroken when I discovered the scratches. Blame my wrist for being so skinny that I had to overlap the metal ends to hold it in place.

Can you see the scratches? Posted by Hello

I’m gonna buy another metal strap watch and keep this one safe in its box. My mother wonders why I keep watches and not wear them.

It had been great fun today and once again, I'm soooo tempted to get a digital camera.

I’ll be at the TPY branch tomorrow to set up my classroom. It’ll be so fun decorating and personalizing it.


  1. hey gal!! i've finally FINALLY gotten down to read ur blog... didn't manage to view all though... only e first couple of entries and those for this month. u know me.. i can't stand reading from e comp for too long. glad that u love ur job now while plans for myself are still uncertain. will most prob get a part-time job next wk after i'm done with the "unethical assignment"... sheesh. kinda fretting over it. sucks. oh well... i'll try my best... -egomaniac-

  2. As the world turns and the weather changes we all would love to met someone that would spin us around and up side down would like to met you any tues! SgtMaj102

  3. Yo egomaniac! Glad to see you here!

    SgtMaj102... kindly let me know who you are. Thanx!

  4. Hehe.. I think probably the lighting added a touch to the prettiness too.

    Oh and hope you manage to settle the differences between you and your mum. Try to be patient and give way more often. I would often remind myself too. It does work at times... Ü

  5. nah don't worry, things aren't bad between my mum and I haha I just like to grumble and whine and bitch when I get into quarrels with her :P

    oh ya i just remembered I still have your blusher with me!!!! Gee but since both of us are so busy, I have no idea when we'll meet up again sobz. Likewise, I have yet to see charlene in like how many thousand months.

    SMU is a prison in a university's disguise.

  6. Hello JoLeNe!!! This is *MiniVV* here!!!
    Finally see how u looked like after so long!
    U are a sweet lookings! YeaH~!!! :D
    Will read more of ur blog when I have more time on hand!
    CYa around and KeeP in Touch!!! :D

    P/S The chocolate cheesecake looked so YummY!!!
    It's making me hungry now..*Haha*!!!
    I craving for chocolate now!!! :þ

  7. WAH! CHIO BU!!! *Whewee* I would love to meet you any tuesday too.


  8. Hey MiniVV,

    Great to see you here!! Haha you finally know how I look like. And tho I've seen ur picture in FP, I wld still like to meet u in person 1 of these days.

    Keep on touch ya? =)

  9. Dear friend JoLeNe!!! Paiseh for my late reply!!!
    Yeah! Finally see u!!! :D
    Yes, I will LoVe to see u in person 1 day too!
    Do keep in touch and take care, sweetie!!! :D


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