Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Tomorrow Our Tassel Hats We Shall Throw

The degree of BACHELOR OF ARTS has been conferred upon me in writing on 30 June 2004. Accordingly, I am entitled immediately to all the privileges attached to the degree. And I’ve only received this honourable letter yesterday. I had all along thought I cannot be considered as an Arts graduate as I have not attended the ceremony, which is tomorrow.

I read the letter with much amusement with their choice of words. “[I]t gives me great pleasure to inform you”, “entitled immediately to all the privileges attached to the degree”, “Please accept our congratulations on your success in your candidature for the degree”. [PS: You got to read it in your most hypocritical voice to attain the desired effect.] I wonder if NUS employs anyone to write such shit. If they do, I’ll gladly take up this job and do a Gulliver or a William Collins with my highly elaborate verbal language and excessive pomposity. There! I am a lady of excess.

I was peeved a month ago when NUS classified me as English 1st major instead of Geography because this separates me from my Geography friends by putting me in the morning session ceremony. I am a double major but I’ve taken more Geography modules and have always regarded it as my 1st major. However when filling up forms, I always write in alphabetical order with English before Geography. Big mistake! I even emailed the in charge about this “mistake” and she said to see the dean but I was not willing to go through the trouble. Now I’m not only torn away from my kakis but also associated with the likes of freakish EL majors. Fortunately, I have my dear Evan beside me in the morning session. She too, considered Geography her 1st major but had the same thinking as me when filling up forms and so our mistakes put us together. In case, you all are wondering why I made such a big fuss about the classification, it is because at that time, my main concern was that my deardear might not be able to make it in the morning.

While lamenting to my friends about this, all of them said that EL major sounds a lot more avant-garde than Geog major. That is kind of true too.

All my friends are really excited about tomorrow’s commencement ceremony that I wonder if I’m abnormal. These few days feel like ordinary days. I’ve not even gotten my buttoned white blouse and black court shoes. I do have an off-white buttoned blouse at home so maybe I needn’t shop for that but I cant find all 3 pairs of blisters-producing court shoes I bought few years back each time I’ve got a band performance. I’m gonna fork out more cash and invest in one good pair like Hush Puppies or Scholl so I can wear them for work too. That is, if I have a job.

I did not invite many friends for photo-taking session tomorrow. Although I have many different groups of friends, most of them would be too busy to go anyway. Besides 80% of my friends are those you can go crazy with during impromptu get togethers but whom I will not intentionally seek to invite them for the photo-taking or else then belong to the league of Hi-Bye friends.

Tingfang said in her blog that her head is an ‘L’ size and her body ‘S’ and that she must have been harbouring mega brains all along. Continue deceiving yourself and yes… I cordially welcome you to the Tweety Head club. I remembered you were one of those who conferred that title to me. Oh I haven’t told u I’m an “M” head, have I? *smirks*

Let's all joyously throw our tassel hats (I thought it’s called a mortar board?) in the air tomorrow.

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