Friday, July 30, 2004

The Art of Being Unethical and Nurturing Boobs Enthusiasts

I’m having a headache once again so I postponed my tuition, giving me enough time to blog twice in a day and to watch Fiona Xie once again bubbling around with her big boobs.

I can’t proceed on with my research for this [deleted] assignment. I thought I could do it, but all the questions had me stumped. I am given a choice of three questions. All of which requires me to read the textbook.

The only problem is, I do not have the textbook.

Some of my friends were puzzled at me doing assignment when I’m supposedly no longer studying. My MSN name reads, “Jolene is bz doing assignment. Unethical assignment.” That’s because I’ve got this lobang to do assignments and I get paid for it.

[The following paragraph has been deleted by the author.]

I thought it was a really good way to put my intelligence into good use. On the other hand, Kh thought it was an insidious art of encouraging indolence and dishonesty. I could not care much about ethics when I’m actually paid to be unethical.

Joel told me that my name is read “Jolene is bz doing ass…” on his MSN messenger window. I think he should either resize his pop up window or shut up, although I think he gets the kick out of seeing Jolene bz doing ass. He is such an ass.

Kh spoilt his $375 Oakley sunglasses today. How it happened I would not reveal here, for it would only reflect his stupidity and carelessness. Just a few weeks ago, he was imitating my “Gmail Account Holders Are Cool” entry with his rendition of “Oakley Sunglass Wearers Are Cool”. I should start writing one entry on “Oakley Sunglass Wearers Are Fools”. Ok I should stop being a bitch.

Now did I use “rendition” correctly?

I just turned away from my computer to look at Fiona Xie on tv. Though still acting cute unceasingly, her acting has certainly improved and her irritation index, I call it the irridex (after Doxey’s irridex model), has dropped to 9 on a scale of 10.

Oh somebody actually found my blog when he typed “Fiona Xie breast size” on Yahoo search engine today. Just on Wednesday, someone searched for "Fiona Xie Boobs". I don't know if they are the same person. So many people are interested in her boobs? Anyway, I assume it is a he, although I admit that many females are also interested in her boobs as well. They are mainly interested in whether they are real or not while the guys would be interested in finding out the size. Hey you Fiona-xie-boobs-searcher! Search no more! There won't be any other site which reveals her size. If you happen to read this, let me tell you that her boobs size is 32D.

You are welcome! =)

Another person got to my blog when he was searching for Tammin Sursok’s boobs. Unfortunately, I do not have any inside info on her boob size. Sorry mate.

My headache has miraculously subsided!


  1. You mentioned doing ass and big boobs in this post. Good stuff. I'm sure you'll be attracting many porn enthusiasts in the coming days.

    I've got a screenshot of your doing ass episode and yes, it gives me a kick.

  2. I saw that screenshot! Quite small but still visible. No pornster but for now.. I'm attracting alot of Fiona Xie's enthusiasts. =\


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