Monday, June 28, 2004

I Do Not Look Like Tammin Sursok!!!

I’m still not feeling too well but I will not dwell on it anymore or my friends would all be overtly concerned for my illness and advising me to “jie ai shun bian”.

I was flipping through my 2nd sis’s aussie magazines when I chanced upon this poster.

Me: “Who is this girl? She’s damn ugly. She has got a very weird look.”

2nd Sis: "No, she's not! In fact I think she looks like an “ang mo” version of u. She’s acting in Home & Away."

I don’t know whether to feel flattered or displeased. It was kind of her to retort, "No, she's not" but I really thought that celebrity has a kind of weird look. And if Home & Away is just like Days of Our Lives or Neighbours, I would feel even more unflattered.

My sis went on listing all our similarities like: same pattern, same mannerism, same hair, and same overall appearance. She thinks that it’s cool to look like a celebrity so I should start accepting that we do share some resemblance. My mother also agreed that this girl looks somewhat like me. So now I’m trying to convince myself that this girl is actually quite pretty. HAHA!

Oh by the way, this girl is Tammin Sursok. Now I’m sure none of you have heard of her before, except those studying in Australia probably. I’ll post up some pictures of her and you people be the judge.

Ok I did pose like that before but that doesn't mean our mannerism or "pattern" is similar! Posted by Hello

This looks something like the one i saw in the magazine. Same outfit, different pose. Yes, Tammin is wearing a yellow top. My sis reminded me that I have a yellow top too. Ok, everybody who owns a yellow top looks like everybody!! Posted by Hello

Now, I have to agree that this one looks the most like me. Why? Coz you can't see her face. Posted by Hello

So far all the pictures of Tammin I've posted look quite pretty. Of course! The prettier ones do share some resemblance with me. =P Now, before you people pass the final judgement, this is an ugly picture of her.
Posted by Hello

See!!!! Ugly right?


  1. haha true..the pic where u can't see her face looks most like u! And yes, she is freaking ugly. where got look like jolene right?!! (actually im just trying to be nice la) hahaha but seriously, think she only looks like u from erm maybe 10m away! That's only coz her hair looks like yours. Her face CMI!!

  2. Hey, what "trying to be nice"? I noe you are very sincere. Stop denying and agree with me! =P

  3. halloz! this is jo tan. wah, you sound damn different since from the last time i spoke to you in real life. your blog's alot of fun man, but eh, i think she's quite chio lah, and except for the ugly pic, she looks quite abit like you. in the ugly pic she looks too fat to be you lah.

  4. Jo Tan!! Haha it's weird to scream "Jo!!!" Since i'm a Jo too.. hehe.. U r finally here!! Well ex Lit student with 3 years of writing arts essays from Geography to History to Sociology etc etc etc... i've learnt all the different styles of writing. Anyway i luv ur blog and do continue writing coz i'm waiting for Part3 (tho i can't find part 1)

    Eh, if you say Tammin is chio and looks like me. Thank you vey much! Still trying to convince myself she's chio. =P

  5. I think this actress is not ugly, in fact she's quite pretty in the 1st three pictures. I'm sure you are pretty too, so why don't you post a picture of yourself so people could all judge more accurately? *smile*

  6. Hey anonymous,

    May i know who are you? =) I don't think you are my friend for you would have known how i look like right?

  7. Haha, now u give extra meaning each time I watch 'Home & Away' here in Aust =p

    Eh take gd care of urself ok. Havent spoken to u in ages but reading ur entries here gives me dat v jialat feeling....


  8. Hallo gal!!!!

    I would have missed this comment if i haven't checked my junk mail.. Somehow those meddling hotmail staff decided to put all email notification in the junk mail folder.

    Hehe... what do u mean new meaning to the show? Haha

  9. Replies
    1. Hahaha... Thanx, Rick! Are you reading all my past posts?


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