Sunday, July 27, 2014

Gerra's Super Unconventional Wedding Part 1

My gal pal Gerra got married earlier this month.

Unlike most conventional Chinese weddings, Gerra opted for a Western sit-down dining at Skyve. And just like her fun personality, everything about her wedding was unconventional and loud. The keyword here is "over the top" and boy were most of the guests so spontaneous! Almost everyone followed the disco, retro, loud and colourful theme.

I only decided on the 60s A-go-go style on the morning itself when I found out that my bling blue dress looked weird on me, my long ponytail wig was nowhere to be found and my hair was in a total mess. I decided to wear the Valentino Circle Dress which I've only worn once during last year's Chinese New Year because the flare circle skirt with bright yellow and loud prints has slight reminiscence to the 60s Agogo style. That's me with Zanne who went by the Disco theme.

My nails were painted haphazardly that morning with Estee Lauder in Pink Fever which fortunately matched the earrings that Zanne had lent me that day. The 3rd picture in the collage is the wedding corsage for 姊妹 (bridesmaids) which was hand-made by Gerra.

I wanted those big messy hair and hence my hair was done in a side updo with pouffy fringe.

The complete look!

I brought along a nerd for my date. Hubby had long wanted to go as a nerd. He was more prepared than me when he bought a pair of suspenders the previous day. As for his fake lensless glasses, he has been wearing them on and off ever since he bought it from a poor old man peddling goods. Kh often wears them just to look intellectual or whenever I'm also in glasses.

We went slightly earlier to help with the decorations.

Those beautiful pinwheels were made by Gerra. As usual, creativity oozes in her veins.

Um... we all looked like we did not know what to do in this photo...

But I swear we did a decent job in decorating the reception table.

For most Chinese weddings held at hotel ballrooms, ang pow boxes are clearly indicated for the bride and the groom. Guests of either side should drop their ang pows into the correct box. Gerra and Clement only had one ang pow box. Now we know that money doesn't matter to them or does it?

Guests were encouraged to hashtag #gocrazy and #discolove for photos uploaded onto social media.

This was how the outdoor buffet set-up looked like.

The word "DISCO" would not even give a clue that Skyve's private event that evening was a wedding.

The interior decor by day...

The interior decor by night...

This was Gerra's wig that day. A blend of pink and blonde. Ooh la la... Have you ever seen a Chinese wedding like this before?

Gerra and Clement have 2 pre-wedding albums. One of which is the movie-set album.

The front cover of the movie set album features Clement the Late Groomer.

The back features Gerra the Bride to be.

Everything inside is just so fun and cool! Here's sharing with all of you their album. (Pages might not be in order).

A Lot Like Love
The 5 Year Engagement

Bonnie and Clyde
The Bounty Hunter

We Bought a Zoo (The guinea pig belongs to them.)
The Hunger Games

Crazy Stupid Love
My Sassy Girl


Date Night

Kungfu Hustle

Corpse Bride
Don Jon

Confessions of a Shopaholic

My favourite pictures from the whimsical album are these two.

And this. Love the whole feel and their expressions here. Reminds me of the movie In the Mood for Love in contemporary times.

Part 1 of this post features the pre-wedding detail shots and Part 2 would feature the wedding dinner itself.

The bride says, "Stay tuned for Part 2!"

Photos in this posts are taken using Canon S95, iPhone 4s and Samsung.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Instagram Snapshots ~*June 2014*~

June was a month of meet ups with friends... lots and lots of meet ups, in fact. Some pictures might look familiar to you since they overlap with my birthday meet ups posts in 2 parts here and here.

Oh yes, and I've also gotten down to replying all the comments in these 2 posts so do click and check. Thank you to many of you for sharing with me your opinion on my blogging dilemma. I've replied at length to some of you coz I really appreciate all the heartfelt opinions and the time and effort you took to craft your comments.

Without further ado, here is the instasummary for the month of June!

~1 June 2014~
London Day 3 Throwback: Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. Photo story up on my blog. See, the guys in the background were so happy that I finally concluded Day 3.

~1 June 2014~
Flea-ing till now with @eccentrice in the rain and sun and rain and sun and night. Many stallholders started leaving by late afternoon but we are still standing strong and smiley.

~1 June 2014~
Nando's Chicken for dinner! I look like I'm on a diet.

~1 June 2014~
Nando's for fuel after a long day.

~1 June 2014~
Say hello to newfound twin brothers. When they stood talking together from afar, @eccentrice and I could not help laughing at their similar Adidas jersey, berms, flip flops and posing with arms folded like Sir Stamford Raffles.

~2 June 2014~
Lunch with my other family! Haven't seen them all of them since the Christmas season.

~4 June 2014~
F4 in incomplete attendance: ems, hs, jo. It was a belated bday meet up for me and an advanced one for hs to make up for the past 2 years but all of us had gifts for everyone. Poor wy had to miss this rare outing with hs back in sg due to some unfortunate circumstances. But it's ok. All of us connected in spirit! (Psst... Wy, you should totally check out what we wrote in the cards on your behalf.)

~5 June 2014~
More animals for our next felting aka poke poke craft, maybe? @tifducky @gerrachong @czanneo @xtinaong

~7 June 2014~
Accidental stumble along Seah Street was ENTRE-NOUS creperie which pride themselves as the authentic French place to eat crepes and galettes. ❤ We had escargots baked in garlic butter to share. ❤ Kh had the La Ovessant which was crepe with egg, ham, cheese and mushroom. ❤ I had the La Arz which was smoked salmon, chives and cream. ❤ Food is good if you are not press for time. Also, the smoothie was so good that Kh finished it under a minute or maybe the glass was too small.

~7 June 2014~
Eat. Watch Maleficent. Eat. What pigs we are! First time trying Miam Miam. Matcha latte good. Miam Miam spaghetti good. Hand drip ice coffee normal. Minestrone is the sweet kind. Service lackluster.

~8 June 2014~
Cutting down on fast food. Last month was Texas Fried Chicken. This month would be Mac Hotcakes Sausage! Yummy. Feels good to wake up early on a Sunday to eat breakfast.

~9 June 2014~
It was a free-will contribution of illustrations to a guide for my organization. I'm not even sure if they would be used in the end. In these 2 "comic strips", I tried my best to make my characters oblivious to their verbosity.

~9 June 2014~
Continuing on from the previous post, this comic strip features the need to be clear and concise. Probably considering the audience too.

~9 June 2014~
Continuing on, this strip would come under the section of guidelines for slides presentation.

~12 June 2014~
The caption for this would be: "Yoo hoo. It's us again!" The first and only time I posted a photo of @tinsfans and me on Instagram, we just kept scratching our heads wondering how that photo could garner 120 likes. It was a photo of specky gals in geeky glasses eating Nando's. Like WT*??? This time we are having pasta at Domani without our nerdy glasses and not expecting the same puzzling thing to happen. Her slipper lobster pasta was so good! My vongole was disappointing. No white wine taste at all!

~12 June 2014~
There are some friends whom you would always be able to pick up where you left off and even all the time in the world isn't enough for the chitter chatter of updates. We really should meet up more often!

~14 June 2014~
Spain supporter but I don't wanna wait till 3am...

~15 June 2014~
Happy Father's Day to my Daddy who is everything stated here and more!

~21 June 2014~
It was from @michsygold Instagram page that brought the annual Yulin Festival to my knowledge a year ago. This article is taken from today's The Straits Times. I'm glad to read that efforts are slowly paying off as the festival comes to light to more people. The animal activists group in China is small but steadily growing and making impact on age-old cultural practices of eating dog meat in China. I'm not a vegan and I still love my meat. It is a fine line between which meat is ok and which is not. A thing to note would be that these dogs are not bred for food. Many of these are strays taken off the streets and pets snatched from homes, sometimes before the families' eyes. They were also brutally treated before being slaughtered. How about bringing awareness to other animals bred for meat? Would people also have the same reaction and take the same action? Some of my friends and I would go vegetarian at least once a week. By adjusting your diet to include a non-meat day once a week, you will reduce your consumption of meat by a significant amount. Making this small change in your diet can have a dramatic effect on a variety of social and environmental issues we face today.

~21 June 2014~
At Grand Shanghai 大上海 for gal pal @tinsfans 's wedding and I feel immersed in the golden era of Shanghai in the 1930s with the oriental decor and nostalgic Chinese tunes. It's the first time attending a wedding without anybody I know but the bride. Hope to see the blushing bride soon! 😘

~25 June 2014~
Tiny vermin of white chocolate balls disguised themselves as adorable little 招财猫. Too cute to eat! ₍˄ุ.͡˳̫.˄ุ₎ฅ˒˒

~27 June 2014~
Out with the old and in with the new. Let's play Spot the Difference. ~*~*~ My almost 8-year old Nalgene bottle though certified to last a lifetime, looks like it is a breeding ground for bacteria. No amount of soap and washing could clear the layer of blurness on the inner surface.

~28 June 2014~
Found a mysterious red towel in our room. I call it "Elmo".

You can find me on Instagram by clicking the button below. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too! I really love it when my blog friends and I are connected on other social media platforms too since I know many of them don't blog as often yet have got a lot more updates on their Instagram page. I don't entertain follow for follow requests but if we have enough meaningful exchanges here, I would naturally follow you back, especially if you are my blog friend. Have a great week ahead!

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